
Device Research Pathway - Ottobock prosthetic leg

We, Andy and Yuan Xu, searched on the different prosthetic leg companies which are in the market using Google. After comparing the prosthetic legs of each company, we decided to do research on the category of sports prosthetics on the Ottobock webpage. We came across the Runner, model 1E91, on the Ottobock site. We decided to use the 1E91 Sports Prosthetic as our subject for device research. We looked up brochures and instruction manuals on Google for the product by searching “1E91 Ottobock”. After reading and collecting the information on the functions and features of the product, we wrote a brief summary of the collected information and inserted them into ChatGPT to refine the vocabulary and grammar of the summary. 1E91, The Runner by Ottobock.

Self-Introduction Letter

  Dear Professor Blackstone, My name is Andy Lam, a Year 1 engineering student in your "Critical Thinking & Communicating" module. I wanted to take this opportunity to share a little bit about myself. For the past four years, I’ve volunteered for an organisation every Saturday teaching English, math, and occasionally science to children in my neighbourhood and afterwards, during my free time I would either go to the gym, play computer games, or just start watch a movie on the television with my dad. I might be one of the older students in the class, having spent two years earning a NITEC certificate in aerospace technology at ITE (2017-2018), followed by three years pursuing a diploma in biomedical engineering at Nanyang Polytechnic. Initially, I chose aerospace technology for the salary and the job stability as an aircraft engineer, but my interest shifted towards biomedical engineering when I became fascinated by the idea of servicing machines that can prolong hum

Importance of Communication Skills

    “Communication skills are an essential component in the education of engineering students to facilitate not just students’ education but also to prepare them for their future careers.” Marc Riemer, Faculty of Engineering, Monash University (2007) This quote emphasizes the importance of communication skills not just in the education of students but also in their future careers (Professional Setting) and daily lives (Casual Setting). As to why is that, it is to have the ability to converse and share ideas proficiently, in doing so would help both parties to bond, learn, and furthermore improve their skills, knowledge, and relationship with one another to have successful career and personal life. For example, in a professional setting, one can use the opportunity to guide, seek guidance, trade information, establish new partnerships, and improve old ones. Similarly, in a casual setting, one can use the opportunity to widen his/her social network by befriending others.