Summary Draft #1 + Thesis

The Fillauer product and Supplier Partner product webpage presents the AllPro with Direct Mount Pyramid prosthetic foot’s various features and functions, highlighting each of them and how they play a unique part. The AllPro's functionality is designed with active users in mind, offering great versatility and dynamic performance. It allows amputees to partake in a variety of activities, including jogging, walking, and sports like basketball and tennis. (Low Extremity Review Article “Fillauer AllPro Foot”, September 2017). The prosthetic features a carbon composite architecture of the foot that provides smooth plantar and dorsiflexion, absorbing and returning energy efficiently to accommodate high-impact exercises as well as daily wear (Fillauer, n.d.). Among the features is the AllPro's rocker toe, which facilitates effortless rollover and results in more fluid, low-effort movements. The exact alignment adjustments provided by the RPI pyramid adapter allow for a more custom...