Self-Introduction Letter


Dear Professor Blackstone,

My name is Andy Lam, a Year 1 engineering student in your "Critical Thinking & Communicating" module. I wanted to take this opportunity to share a little bit about myself.

For the past four years, I’ve volunteered for an organisation every Saturday teaching English, math, and occasionally science to children in my neighbourhood and afterwards, during my free time I would either go to the gym, play computer games, or just start watch a movie on the television with my dad.

I might be one of the older students in the class, having spent two years earning a NITEC certificate in aerospace technology at ITE (2017-2018), followed by three years pursuing a diploma in biomedical engineering at Nanyang Polytechnic. Initially, I chose aerospace technology for the salary and the job stability as an aircraft engineer, but my interest shifted towards biomedical engineering when I became fascinated by the idea of servicing machines that can prolong human life. This passion inspired me to pursue my engineering degree at SIT, with dreams of designing affordable personal medical equipment.

Growing up introverted, I’ve struggled with a fear of speaking, which limited my ability to voice out opinions and expand my social circle. To overcome this, I’ve made it a habit to introduce myself first and making a good first-impressions when meeting new people by practicing in front a mirror every morning, which has become a strength in my communication skills. However, I still struggle with speaking to larger crowds, and I believe this module will help me overcome that.

My goals in this module are to overcome my fear of speaking to large crowds by improving my public speaking skills and to refine my use of the English language so that I could write and speak in both formal and informal settings, with this goal in mind, I look forward to improving myself under your tutelage and wishing you the best of days ahead.

Best Regards,



  1. Hi Andy,

    reading through your letter was an great experience! You shared that you volunteer with an organization to teach children in your neighborhood which i find very admirable along with how you decided to switch from aerospace to biomedical engineering with dreams of designing affordable personal medical equipment. The organization of the letter allows for smooth transitions from the different requirements that is expected from this assignment and makes the reader enjoy the process of reading through it.

  2. Hey Andy,

    Your introduction letter is really clear and gives a good overview of your background and goals. I think you did a great job sharing your experiences and what you're hoping to achieve in the module. However, there are a few areas where you could make some tweaks to improve clarity. For example, the phrase “start watch a movie on the television with my dad” could be updated to “watch a movie on television with my dad” for smoother reading. Overall, it’s a strong introduction that effectively communicates your personal growth, challenges with public speaking, and aspirations for the course.

  3. Hey Andy,
    I just read your email, and it’s really well written. I like that you shared about your volunteering experience and how your academic interests have changed over time. It gives a clear picture of who you are.

    I also thought the part about overcoming your introversion was great. It shows that you’re serious about improving yourself.

    I feel like you could make the flow a bit smoother by tweaking certain sentences , but overall, it’s well executed!

  4. Dear Andy,

    Thanks very much for this well expressed and highly informative letter. You provide a detailed explanation in all areas of the assignment brief, elaborating in a manner that really captures your reader's interest.

    I'm particularly impressed by how you describe your interest in biomedical engineering being connected to your desire to design "affordable personal medical equipment." What a noble goal!

    I also enjoyed reading about how you have overcome introversion. One of my youngest daughters is a severe introvert, so I can relate to this, and maybe I can suggest to her to adopt your method.

    If there is anything to work on in a 2nd draft, it might be this phrasing: "...just start watch a movie on the television...."

    Again, I truly appreciate the effort put into this fine introduction, and I look forward to reading more from you this term.




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